Venkaiah Naidu

How many times was Venkaiah Naidu appointed as a Vice President of India?

Mohammad Hamid Ansari and Venkaiah Naidu were the two Vice Presidents of India in 2017 AD.

The Indian Vice President Venkaiah Naidu was born on 1949 AD.

The tenure duration of Indian Vice President Venkaiah Naidu was 11.08.2017 to 11.08.2022 AD.

The tenure of Indian Vice President Venkaiah Naidu was completed in 11.08.2022 AD.

The tenure of Indian Vice President Venkaiah Naidu was started in 11.08.2017 AD.

The thirteenth Vice President of India was Venkaiah Naidu.

Venkaiah Naidu was appointed one time as a Vice President of India.

Venkaiah Naidu was the thirteenth Vice President of India.

Venkaiah Naidu was the Vice President of India in 2018 AD.

Venkaiah Naidu was the Vice President of India in 2019 AD.

Venkaiah Naidu was the Vice President of India in 2020 AD.

Venkaiah Naidu was the Vice President of India in 2021 AD.

What was the tenure duration of Indian Vice President Venkaiah Naidu?

When was the Indian Vice President Venkaiah Naidu born?

When was the tenure of Indian Vice President Venkaiah Naidu completed?

When was the tenure of Indian Vice President Venkaiah Naidu started?

