Geography भूगोल

भूगोल (Geography) एक ऐसा विषय है, जिसके द्वारा पृथ्वी के ऊपरी स्वरुप और उसके प्राकृतिक विभागों जैसे पहाड़, महाद्वीप, देश, नगर, नदी, समुद्र, झील, जल-संधियां, वनस्पतियों आदि का ज्ञान प्राप्त होता है।

‘Althing’ is the Parliament of Iceland.

‘Althing’ is the Parliament of which country?

‘Bundestag & Bundsrat’ is the Parliament of Germany.

‘Bundestag & Bundsrat’ is the Parliament of which country?

‘Bundesvers Ammlung (Nationalrat & Standerat)’ is the Parliament of Switzerland.

‘Bundesvers Ammlung (Nationalrat & Standerat)’ is the Parliament of which country?

‘Cortes’ is the Parliament of Spain.

‘Cortes’ is the Parliament of which country?

‘Dewan Rakyat & Dewan Negara’ is the Parliament of Malaysia.

‘Dewan Rakyat & Dewan Negara’ is the Parliament of which country?

‘Dial Eireann & Seanad Eireann’ is the Parliament of Ireland.

‘Dial Eireann & Seanad Eireann’ is the Parliament of which country?

‘Diet’ is the Parliament of Japan.

‘Diet’ is the Parliament of which country?

‘Federal Parliament’ is the Parliament of Australia.

‘Federal Parliament’ is the Parliament of which country?

‘Folketing’ is the Parliament of Denmark.

‘Folketing’ is the Parliament of which country?

‘General Assembly’ is the Parliament of Bahamas.

‘General Assembly’ is the Parliament of which country?

‘General People’s Assembly’ is the Parliament of Libia.

‘General People’s Assembly’ is the Parliament of which country?

‘Great People’s Khural’ is the Parliament of Mongolia.

‘Great People’s Khural’ is the Parliament of which country?

‘House of Assembly’ is the Parliament of South Africa.

‘House of Assembly’ is the Parliament of which country?

‘House of Commons & Senate’ is the Parliament of Canada.

‘House of Commons & Senate’ is the Parliament of which country?

‘Jatiy Sansad’ is the Parliament of Bangladesh.

‘Jatiy Sansad’ is the Parliament of which country?

‘Knesset’ is the Parliament of Israel.

‘Knesset’ is the Parliament of which country?

‘Liblandla’ is the Parliament of Swaziland.

‘Liblandla’ is the Parliament of which country?

‘Lok Sabha & Rajya Sabha’ is the Parliament of India.

‘Lok Sabha & Rajya Sabha’ is the Parliament of which country?

‘Narodana Sabrani’ is the Parliament of Bulgaria.

‘Narodana Sabrani’ is the Parliament of which country?

‘National Assembly & Senate’ is the Parliament of Pakistan.

‘National Assembly & Senate’ is the Parliament of which country?

‘National Revolutionary Assembly’ is the Parliament of Benin.

‘National Revolutionary Assembly’ is the Parliament of which country?

‘People’s Consultative Assembly’ is the Parliament of Indonesia.

‘People’s Consultative Assembly’ is the Parliament of which country?

‘People’s Council’ is the Parliament of Syria.

‘People’s Council’ is the Parliament of which country?

‘People’s Supreme Assembly’ is the Parliament of Laos.

‘People’s Supreme Assembly’ is the Parliament of which country?

‘Pijithu Hluttaw Pataka’ is the Parliament of Myanmar.

‘Pijithu Hluttaw Pataka’ is the Parliament of which country?

