
Fatehabad Mosque in Punjab was built by Humayun.

Fatehabad Mosque is located in Punjab.

Fazilka (Punjab) is the tallest TV Tower of India.

Fazilka TV Tower is located in Punjab of India.

Garibdas was the originator of Satnami sect in Punjab.

Golden temple (Gurudwara) is located in Amritsar (Punjab) of India.

Golden temple, Amritsar (Punjab) is the largest Gurudwara of India.

Heavy Water Plant “Nangal” is situated in Punjab.

Lord Dalhousie annexed Punjab in 1849 AD.

Lord Dalhousie annexed Punjab?

Present region of Rigvedic river Parushni is Punjab.

Present region of Rigvedic river Sutudri is Punjab.

Present region of Rigvedic river Vipas is Punjab.

Saint Namdev travelled to North India and Punjab.

The Iranian ruler Darius occupied India’s Punjab, the Indus and the west of Sindh.

The Kuka Revolt (1860 AD) took place in Punjab.

The Kuka Revolt took place in Punjab.

The time period of Hindushahi in Punjab and Kabul was from 883 AD to 1026 AD.

What was the time period of Hindushahi in Punjab and Kabul?

Who created Fatehabad Mosque in Punjab?

Who was the originator of Satnami sect in Punjab?

