
A Manometer is a device for measuring the pressure of a gas in a closed vessel.

Critical volume is the volume occupied by one mole of the gas at critical temperature and pressure.

Effect of Pressure – Velocity of sound is independent of the change in pressure of the gas, provided temperature remains constant.

Enthalpy is the sum of the Internal Energy and the Product of its pressure and volume.

Expression for Pressure due to an ideal Gas…

Isobaric is In which the pressure of the System remains constant.

Pressure due to a Fluid Column – Pressure due to a fluid column depends on various factors that affect the amount of pressure exerted on the surface and the container of the fluid material.

Pressure is the force acting on a unit area of a surface …

Relation between Pressure and Kinetic Energy of the Gas…

Reversible is a direction may be reversed at any stage by merely a small change in variables like Temperature pressure, etc.

Spontaneous change is the change when a physical or chemical change occurs in the system either by itself or under a slight onset of Temperature, pressure or concentration.

Standard Free Energy Change is ​at 1 atmospheric pressure in which the reactants in their standard states are converted into the products in their standard states.

Temperature, Pressure, Viscosity, etc. is example of Intensive Properties.

The Equation of State is the quantitative relationship between pressure, volume, temperature and number of moles (mass) is given by an expression known as equation of state, This Equation of State is PV=nRT.

The Temperature at which the real gas exhibits ideal behavior for considerable range of pressure.

The volume occupied by one mole of gas at standard temperature and pressure (STP) is called Molar volume.

What is Effect of Pressure?

What is Expression for Pressure due to an ideal Gas?

What is Pressure due to a Fluid Column?

What is Pressure?

What is Relation between Pressure and Kinetic Energy of the Gas?

