Muhammad Shah

Ahmad Shah Abdali invaded the kingdom for the first time during Muhammad Shah’s reign in 1748 AD.

Muhammad Shah adopted the title of ‘Shah’ and issued the coin of his name.

Muhammad Shah came to the throne in 1719 AD.

Muhammad Shah conferred the title of Khan-i-Khana to Bahlol Lodhi.

Muhammad Shah sit on the throne in 1434 AD.

Muhammad Shah was the successor of the Sayyid ruler Mubarak Shah.

Nadir Shah captured Delhi and Muhammad Shah was imprisoned.

The Reign of the Muhammad Shah’s was from 1434 AD to 1443 AD.

Tomb of Ahmad Shah in Gujarat was built by Muhammad Shah.

What was the time period of Muhammad Shah’s Reign?

What was the title given to Fatehchand by Muhammad Shah?

When did Ahmad Shah Abdali invade the kingdom for the first time during the reign of Muhammad Shah?

When did Muhammad Shah came to the throne?

When did Muhammad Shah sit on the throne?

Which was the title given to Bahlol Lodhi by Muhammad Shah?

