Lucknow session

Ambika Charan Majumdar presided the Lucknow session in 1916.

Jawaharlal Nehru presided the Lucknow session in 1936.

Ramesh C. Dutt presided the Lucknow session in 1899.

The Lucknow session (1899) of the Indian National Congress was presided by Ramesh C. Dutt.

The Lucknow session (1916) of the Indian National Congress was presided by Ambika Charan Majumdar.

The Lucknow session (1936) of the Indian National Congress was presided by Jawaharlal Nehru.

Who presided Lucknow session in 1899?

Who presided Lucknow session in 1916?

Who presided Lucknow session in 1936?

Who presided over the Lucknow session (1899) of the Indian National Congress?

Who presided over the Lucknow session (1916) of the Indian National Congress?

Who presided over the Lucknow session (1936) of the Indian National Congress?

