Lord Killanin

Lord Killanin the sixth President of International Olympic Committee was belonging to Ireland.

Lord Killanin the sixth President of International Olympic Committee was belonging to which country?

The President of International Olympic Committee (IOC) during 1972 to 1980 was Lord Killanin.

The sixth President of International Olympic Committee (IOC) was Lord Killanin.

The work duration of Lord Killanin the President of International Olympic Committee (IOC) was 1972 to 1980 AD.

The work duration of Lord Killanin the President of International Olympic Committee (IOC) was completed in 1980 AD.

The work duration of Lord Killanin the President of International Olympic Committee (IOC) was started in 1972 AD.

What was the work duration of Lord Killanin the President of International Olympic Committee (IOC)?

When was the work duration of Lord Killanin the President of International Olympic Committee (IOC) completed?

When was the work duration of Lord Killanin the President of International Olympic Committee (IOC) started?

