Lord Elgin-I

Lord Elgin-I became the 2nd Viceroy of India in 1862.

Lord Elgin-I became the 2nd Viceroy of India.

Lord Elgin-I was made the Viceroy of India in 1862 AD.

The term of Viceroy of India Lord Elgin-I ended in 1863 AD.

The term of Viceroy of India Lord Elgin-I started in 1862 AD.

The time period of Viceroy of India Lord Elgin-I’s Reign was 1862 AD to 1863 AD.

What was the time period of Viceroy of India Lord Elgin-I’s Reign?

When did Lord Elgin-I become the Viceroy of India?

When did the term of Viceroy of India Lord Elgin-I ended?

When did the term of Viceroy of India Lord Elgin-I started?

