
Allen Forest Zoo (Zoological Park) is situated in Kanpur (Uttar Pradesh).

Green Park Stadium Kanpur is related to Cricket.

Green Park Stadium Kanpur is related to which game?

Kanpur is associated with which important personality?

Kanpur is related to Nana Saheb.

Nana Sahib led the revolt of 1857 in Kanpur.

November 1857 the rebels defeat General Windham outside Kanpur.

Peshwa Baji Rao-II was dethroned and pensioned off at Bithur near Kanpur.

The All India Communist Party in Kanpur was founded by Satyabhakta.

The Indian Institute of Sugar Technology is located in Kanpur.

The Indian Institutes of Technology are located in Chennai, Mumbai, Kanpur, Kharagpur, New Delhi, Guwahati and Roorkee.

Which general was defeated by the rebels outside Kanpur in November 1857?

Who founded the All India Communist Party in Kanpur?

Who led the revolt of 1857 in Kanpur?

