K. T. Telang

F. S. Mehta & K. T. Telang founded the Bombay Presidency Association in 1885 AD.

Freedom fighter K.T. Telang was born in 1850 AD.

Freedom fighter K.T. Telang was died in 1893 AD.

In which year freedom fighter K.T. Telang has died?

In which year freedom fighter K.T. Telang was born?

The Bombay Presidency Association (1885) was founded by F. S. Mehta & K. T. Telang in Bombay.

The Bombay Presidency Association in Bombay was founded by F. S. Mehta & K. T. Telang in 1885 AD.

The Bombay Presidency Association in Bombay was founded by F. S. Mehta and K. T. Telang.

The Founder of Bombay Presidency Association (1885) was F. S. Mehta & K. T. Telang.

The great freedom fighter of India K. T. Telang was born in 1850 AD.

The great freedom fighter of India K. T. Telang was death in 1893 AD.

When did F. S. Mehta & K. T. Telang founded the Bombay Presidency Association?

When was F. S. Mehta and K. T. Telang founded the Bombay Presidency Association in Bombay?

When was India’s great freedom fighter K. T. Telang death?

When was India’s great freedom fighter K.T. Telang born?

Where did the Bombay Presidency Association (1885) founded by F. S. Mehta & K. T. Telang?

