
Abadan is located in Iran.

Basseri is the major tribe in Iran.

Intelligence Agency SAVAK (Sazamane Etelaat Va Amniate Kechvar) is related to Iran.

Iran is located in continent of Asia.

Iran is located in which continent?

Koh-i-Sultan Volcano is located in Iran.

Lake Caspian Sea is a Largest lake in the world, makes boundary with Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Iran and Azerbaijan.

Mughal emperor Humayun brought two painters from Iran, Mir sayyid Ali and Abdus Samad.

The Asian Games was held in Iran in 1974 AD.

The Asian Games was organized in 1974 in Iran.

The Great Desert of Dasht-e-Kavir (Salt Desert) located in Iran.

The Great Desert of Dasht-e-Lut (Barren Desert) located in Iran.

The National Emblem of Iran is Rose.

The new name of Persia is Iran.

The old name of Iran was Persia.

The original place of the Pahlavas was in Iran.

What is the National Emblem of Iran?

What was the old name of Iran?

When was the Asian Games held in Iran?

