Gupta dynasty

After the death of Samudragupta, the Gupta dynasty became the ruler Ramgupta.

Bhanugupta was the ruler of Gupta dynasty.

Buddhagupta was the ruler of Gupta dynasty.

Chandragupta I establishes the Gupta dynasty in 320 AD.

Chandragupta-I was the ruler of Gupta dynasty.

Chandragupta-II was the ruler of Gupta dynasty.

Ghatotkacha was the ruler of Gupta dynasty.

Ghatotkachgupta was the ruler of Gupta dynasty.

Govindagupta was the ruler of Gupta dynasty.

Kumaragupta-I was the ruler of Gupta dynasty.

Kumargupta-II was the ruler of Gupta dynasty.

Narsimhagupta was the ruler of Gupta dynasty.

Purgupta was the ruler of Gupta dynasty.

Samudragupta was the ruler of Gupta dynasty.

Skandagupta was the ruler of Gupta dynasty.

Sri Gupta was the ruler of Gupta dynasty.

The state symbol of the Gupta dynasty was Garuda.

Vishnugupta was the ruler of Gupta dynasty.

What was the state emblem of the Gupta dynasty?

When did Chandragupta I establishes the Gupta dynasty?

Who became the ruler of Gupta dynasty after the death of Samudragupta?

