
Baron Pierre de Coubertin the second President of International Olympic Committee was belonging to France.

Basques is the major tribe in Spain and France.

Clermont-Ferrand is located in France.

Dunkirk is located in France.

Elysee Palace is located in France.

France and Brazil reached in final match of 1998 World Cup Soccer.

France and Croatia reached in final match of 2018 World Cup Soccer.

France has won the World Cup Soccer two times.

France is located in continent of Europe.

France is located in which continent?

France was the final opponent of World Cup Soccer in 2006 AD.

France won its first World Cup Soccer in 1998 AD.

France won its second World Cup Soccer in 2018 AD.

France won the World Cup Soccer in 1998 AD.

France won the World Cup Soccer in 2018 AD.

Greater Paris is located in France.

How many times has France won the World Cup Soccer?

In France Malaria germs was discovered.

In France Rabies Vaccine was discovered.

In France Stethoscope was discovered.

In France Typhus Vaccine was discovered.

Intelligence Agency D.G.S.E. (Direction General de Securite Exterieur) is related to France.

Italy and France reached in final match of 2006 World Cup Soccer.

Le Monde Dawn is the major newspaper of France.

Lily is the National Emblem of France.

Limoges is located in France.

Lorraine is located in France.

Lyons is located in France.

Marseilles is located in France.

Principal mountain peaks of Mont Blanc is located in France.

The final match of the FIFA World Cup-2022 took place between Argentina and France.

The first Winter Olympics was held in France.

The Largest Canal Tunnel in the world is situated in France.

The Longest Canal Tunnel in the world is situated in France.

The National Emblem of France is Lily.

The sixteenth Winter Olympics was held in France.

The sixteenth World Cup Soccer was organized in France.

The tenth Winter Olympics was held in France.

The third World Cup Soccer was organized in France.

The World Cup Soccer 1938 was organized in France.

The World Cup Soccer 1998 was organized in France.

Vosges Mountain is located in France.

What is the National Emblem of France?

When did Explosion of an atom bomb device by France?

When did France declares war on England?

When did France win its first World Cup Soccer?

When did France win its second World Cup Soccer?

Winter Olympics were held in 1924 in France.

Winter Olympics were held in 1968 in France.

Winter Olympics were held in 1992 in France.

