Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed

Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed and Neelam Sanjiva Reddy were the two Presidents of India in 1977 AD.

Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed was the fifth President of India.

Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed was the President of India in 1975 AD.

Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed was the President of India in 1976 AD.

Indian President Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed was born on 13.05.1905 AD.

Indian President Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed was died on 11.02.1977 AD.

The fifth President of India was Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed.

The tenure duration of Indian President Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed was 24.08.1974 to 11.02.1977 AD.

The tenure of Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed the President of India was completed on 11.02.1977 AD.

The tenure of Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed the President of India was started on 24.08.1974 AD.

Varahagiri Venkata Giri and Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed were the two Presidents of India in 1974 AD.

What was the tenure duration of Indian President Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed?

When was Indian President Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed born?

When was Indian President Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed died?

When was the tenure of Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed the President of India completed?

When was the tenure of Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed the President of India started?

