
‘डिस्कवर्ड’ शब्द का प्रयोग किस खेल में होता है?

‘डिस्कवर्ड’ शब्द का प्रयोग शतरंज में होता है।

Argon was discovered by L. Rayleigh and Ramsay.

Argon was discovered in 1894.

Blakeslee discovered heterothallism algae in Mucor.

Blakeslee discovered heterothallism fungi in Mucor.

Blakeslee discovered heterothallism in Mucor.

Blakeslee discovered heterothallism protists in Mucor.

Discover of Double Helix Structure of DNA…

Discovery of Radon by Friedrich Ernst Dorn.

Discovery of Xenon by Ramsay and Travers.

Helium was discovered by Lockyer and Janssen.

Helium was discovered in 1868.

Krypton was discovered in 1898.

Neon was discovered by Ramsay and Travers.

Neon was discovered in 1898.

Radon was discovered in 1900.

When was Helium Discovered?

When was Krypton Discovered?

When was Neon Discovered?

When was Radon Discovered?

When was Xenon Discovered?

Where did Blakeslee discover heterothallism algae?

Where did Blakeslee discover heterothallism fungi?

Where did Blakeslee discover heterothallism protists?

Where did Blakeslee discover heterothallism?

Who Discovered Helium?

Who Discovered Neon?

Who Discovered Radon?

Who discovered the jumping gene?

Who is Discover of Double Helix Structure of DNA?

Xenon was discovered in 1898.

