Count Henri de Baillet-Latour

Count Henri de Baillet-Latour the third President of International Olympic Committee was belonging to Belgium.

Count Henri de Baillet-Latour the third President of International Olympic Committee was belonging to which country?

The President of International Olympic Committee (IOC) during 1925 to 1942 was Count Henri de Baillet-Latour.

The third President of International Olympic Committee (IOC) was Count Henri de Baillet-Latour.

The work duration of Count Henri de Baillet-Latour the President of International Olympic Committee (IOC) was 1925 to 1942 AD.

The work duration of Count Henri de Baillet-Latour the President of International Olympic Committee (IOC) was completed in 1942 AD.

The work duration of Count Henri de Baillet-Latour the President of International Olympic Committee (IOC) was started in 1925 AD.

What was the work duration of Count Henri de Baillet-Latour the President of International Olympic Committee (IOC)?

When was the work duration of Count Henri de Baillet-Latour the President of International Olympic Committee (IOC) completed?

When was the work duration of Count Henri de Baillet-Latour the President of International Olympic Committee (IOC) started?

