
Anna International Airport located at Chennai.

Chepauk Stadium Chennai is related to Cricket.

Chepauk Stadium Chennai is related to which game?

Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMSc) is located in Chennai.

Marina Beach (Chennai) is the longest Sea Beach of India.

Marina Beach is located in Chennai of India.

National Institute of Siddha Medicine is located in Chennai.

The capital of Tamil Nadu is Chennai.

The Central Leather Research Institute of India is located in Chennai.

The Indian Institutes of Technology are located in Chennai, Mumbai, Kanpur, Kharagpur, New Delhi, Guwahati and Roorkee.

The National Institute of Ocean Technology of India is located in Chennai.

The National Institutes of Fashion Technology of India are located in New Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Chennai and Gandhinagar.

The new name of Madras is Chennai.

The old name of Chennai was Madras.

The SAF Games 1995 was organized in Chennai.

The seventh SAF Games was organized in Chennai.

What was the old name of Chennai?

