
Beijing is the capital of which country?

Mao Mausoleum is located in Beijing.

The Asian Games 1990 was organized in Beijing.

The eleventh Asian Games was organized in Beijing.

The headquarter of news agency China News Service is in Beijing.

The headquarter of news agency Xinhua is in Beijing.

The new name of Peking is Beijing.

The old name of Beijing was Peking.

The Olympic Hockey was organized at Beijing in 2008 AD.

The short form of Beijing’s news agency China News Service is ‘CNS’.

The short form of Beijing’s news agency Xinhua is ‘XINHUA’.

The twenty-fourth Winter Olympics was held at Beijing.

What is the short form of Beijing’s news agency ‘China News Service’?

What is the short form of Beijing’s news agency ‘Xinhua’?

What was the old name of Beijing?

When were Winter Olympics in Beijing held?

Winter Olympics in Beijing were held in 2022 AD.

Winter Olympics were held in 2022 at Beijing.

