Bahlol Lodhi

Bahlol Lodhi annexed the Sharqui Kingdom of Jaunpur in 1484 AD.

Bahlol Lodhi adopted the title of ‘Ghazi’.

Bahlol Lodhi deposed Shah Alam and laid the foundationd of the Lodhi dynasty.

Bahlol Lodhi founded the Lodi dynasty in 1451 AD.

Bahlol Lodhi sit on the throne in 1451 AD.

Bahlol Lodhi was sitting on the throne of Delhi with the title of ‘Ghazi’.

Bahlol Lodhi was the first founder of Afghan state.

Bahlol Lodhi was the first ruler of Lodhi dynasty.

Bahlol Lodhi was the founder of first Afghan state in Delhi.

Bahlol Lodi used to call his chieftains as Makish-i-Ali.

Bahloli coins were introduced by Bahlol Lodi.

Muhammad Shah conferred the title of Khan-i-Khana to Bahlol Lodhi.

The Lodi dynasty was establishment by Bahlol Lodhi.

The reign of Bahlol Lodhi start from 1451 AD.

The reign of the Bahlol Lodhi end in 1489 AD.

The Reign of the Bahlol Lodhi’s was from 1451 AD to 1489 AD.

The Sayyid ruler Muhammad Shah called Bahlol Lodhi his son.

What did Bahlol Lodhi used to call his chieftains?

What was the time period of Bahlol Lodhi’s Reign?

When did Bahlol Lodhi annexed the Sharqui kingdom of Jaunpur?

When did Bahlol Lodhi founded by Lodi dynasty?

When did Bahlol Lodhi sit on the throne?

When did the reign of Bahlol Lodhi end?

When did the reign of Bahlol Lodhi start?

Which coins were introduced by Bahlol Lodhi?

Which Sayyid ruler called Bahlol Lodhi as his son?

Which Sayyid ruler conferred the title of Khan-i-Khana to Bahlol Lodhi?

Which title did adopted the Bahlol Lodhi?

Which was the title given to Bahlol Lodhi by Muhammad Shah?

Whom did Bahlol Lodhi ousted and laid the foundation of the Lodhi dynasty?

With which title did Bahlol Lodhi sit on the throne of Delhi?

