
Aconcagua Volcano is located in Argentina.

Argentina and Netherlands reached in final match of 1978 World Cup Soccer.

Argentina and W. Germany reached in final match of 1986 World Cup Soccer.

Argentina has won the World Cup Soccer two times.

Argentina is located in continent of South America.

Argentina is located in which continent?

Argentina was the final opponent of World Cup Soccer in 1930 AD.

Argentina was the final opponent of World Cup Soccer in 1990 AD.

Argentina was the final opponent of World Cup Soccer in 2014 AD.

Argentina won its first World Cup Soccer in 1978 AD.

Argentina won its second World Cup Soccer in 1986 AD.

Argentina won the final match of FIFA World Cup-2022.

Argentina won the World Cup Soccer in 1978 AD.

Argentina won the World Cup Soccer in 1986 AD.

Germany and Argentina reached in final match of 2014 World Cup Soccer.

How many times has Argentina won the World Cup Soccer?

Ojos del Salado Volcano is located in Argentina and chile.

Ona is the major tribe in Argentina.

The eleventh World Cup Soccer was organized in Argentina.

The final match of the FIFA World Cup-2022 took place between Argentina and France.

The World Cup Soccer 1978 was organized in Argentina.

Uruguay and Argentina reached in final match of 1930 World Cup Soccer.

W. Germany and Argentina reached in final match of 1990 World Cup Soccer.

When did Argentina win its first World Cup Soccer?

When did Argentina win its second World Cup Soccer?

