Alauddin Khalji

Alai Darwaja is related to Alauddin Khalji.

Alai Darwaza in Delhi was built by Alauddin Khalji.

Alauddin Khalji appointed Barid & Munhis to strengthen the spy system.

Alauddin Khalji banned Wine and gambling.

Alauddin Khalji centralized his Administration and introduced many reforms.

Alauddin Khalji sent Malik Kafur to capture of South India.

Alauddin Khalji sit on the throne in 1296 AD.

Alauddin Khalji the renamed of Chittor to Khizrabad.

Alauddin Khalji was the first Sultan to collect land revenue.

Alauddin Khalji was the first Sultan to fix ‘land revenue in cash’.

Hauz Khas in Delhi was built by Alauddin Khalji.

Jalaluddin Khalji was assassinated by his nephew Ali Gurshasp (Alauddin Khalji) near Kara who crowned himself the sultan.

Jamaat Khana Mosque in Delhi was built by Alauddin Khalji.

Mahal Hazar Sitoon in Delhi was built by Alauddin Khalji.

Siri Fort in Delhi was built by Alauddin Khalji.

When did Alauddin Khalji sit on the throne?

