
Ajatshatru constructed a fort around Rajgriha to protect it from attack of?

Ajatshatru constructed a fort around Rajgriha to protect it from Lichcchavi attack.

Ajatshatru got a large stupa constructed in Rajgriha.

Ajatshatru sat on Magadha throne in 492 B.C.

Ajatshatru took the services of his minister Vassakar to divide the Vajji confederacy.

Ajatshatru took the services of which of his ministers to split the Vajji confederacy?

Ajatshatru was killed by his son Udayin in 461 B.C.

Ajatshatru was the ruler of Haryank dynasty.

Ajatshatru was the ruler of which dynasty?

Gautam Buddha died during the reign of Ajatshatru, the ruler of Haryank dynasty.

Haryank ruler Ajatshatru was killed by his son Udayin.

Haryank ruler Bimbisara was assassinated by Ajatshatru in 493 B.C.

Haryank ruler Bimbisara was assassinated by Ajatshatru.

Haryank ruler Udayin was the son of Ajatshatru.

The first Buddhist council was arranged during the reign of Ajatshatru.

When Ajatshatru was killed by his son Udayin?

When did Ajatshatru sit on the throne of Magadha?

When was the Haryank ruler Bimbisara assassinated by Ajatshatru?

Where did Ajatshatru got a large stupa constructed?

Who killed Haryank ruler Ajatashatru?

