1754 AD.

Alamgir-II came to the throne in 1754 AD.

The period of the Second Carnatic War was 1748-1754 AD.

The reign of Sisodia ruler Raj Singh II start from 1754 AD.

The reign of the Mughal emperor Ahmad Shah end in 1754 AD.

The Reign of the Mughal emperor Ahmad Shah’s was from 1748 AD to 1754 AD.

The reign of the Mughal emperor Alamgir II start from 1754 AD.

The Reign of the Mughal emperor Alamgir II’s was from 1754 AD to 1759 AD.

The reign of the Sisodia ruler Pratap Singh II end in 1754 AD.

The Reign of the Sisodia ruler Pratap Singh II’s was from 1751 AD to 1754 AD.

The Reign of the Sisodia ruler Raj Singh II’s was from 1754 AD to 1762 AD.

The Second Anglo-French War ended in 1754 AD.

The Second Carnatic War end in 1754 AD.

