IBPS बैंकिंग कार्मिक चयन संस्थान

Institute of Banking Personal Selection

-40°C वह तापक्रम है जिस पर सेंटीग्रेड एवं फारेनहाइट पैमाने समान पठन (Reading) प्रदर्शित करते हैं।

‘1984’ पुस्तक के लेखक कौन है?

‘1984’ पुस्तक के लेखक जार्ज ऑरवेल है।

‘2014 द इलेक्शन दैट चेंज्ड इण्डिया’ पुस्तक के लेखक कौन है?

‘2014 द इलेक्शन दैट चेंज्ड इण्डिया’ पुस्तक के लेखक राजदीप सरदेशाई है।

‘555 विश्व कप’ का सम्बन्ध किस खेल से है?

‘555 विश्व कप’ का सम्बन्ध बैडमिंटन से है।

‘A Nation in Making’ is the autobiographies of Surendranath Banerji.

‘A Touch of Tennis’ is the autobiographies of R. Krishnan.

‘Abdul Rahman Cup’ is related to Badminton.

‘Abdul Rahman Cup’ is related to which game?

‘Abelmoschus esculentus’ is the botanical name of Lady finger.

‘Abelmoschus esculentus’ is the botanical name of which plant?

‘African Nations Cup’ is related to Football.

‘African Nations Cup’ is related to which game?

‘Aggarwal Cup’ is related to Badminton.

‘Aggarwal Cup’ is related to which game?

‘Agha Khan Cup’ is related to Hockey.

‘Agha Khan Cup’ is related to which game?

‘Airlines Gold Cup’ is related to Football.

‘Airlines Gold Cup’ is related to which game?

‘All England Championship’ is related to Badminton.

‘All England Championship’ is related to which game?

‘Allium seame’ is the botanical name of Garlic.

‘Allium seame’ is the botanical name of which plant?

‘Allium sepa’ is the botanical name of Onion.

‘Allium sepa’ is the botanical name of which plant?

‘Althing’ is the Parliament of Iceland.

‘Althing’ is the Parliament of which country?

‘America Cup’ is related to Basketball.

‘America Cup’ is related to which game?

‘Amrit Diwan Cup’ is related to Badminton.

‘Amrit Diwan Cup’ is related to which game?

‘Ananas comsus’ is the botanical name of Pineapple.

‘Ananas comsus’ is the botanical name of which plant?

‘Ashutosh Trophy’ is related to Football.

‘Ashutosh Trophy’ is related to which game?

‘Asia Cup’ is related to Cricket.

‘Asia Cup’ is related to which game?

‘Asian Cup’ is related to Football.

‘Asian Cup’ is related to which game?

‘ATP Championship’ is related to Lawn Tennis.

‘ATP Championship’ is related to which game?

‘Atropa belladona’ is the botanical name of Belladona.

‘Atropa belladona’ is the botanical name of which plant?

‘Azardirachta indica’ is the botanical name of Neem.

‘Azardirachta indica’ is the botanical name of which plant?

‘Azlan Shah Cup’ is related to Hockey.

‘Azlan Shah Cup’ is related to which game?

‘B.C. Roy Trophy’ is related to Football.

